INUA - A Norwegian natural product


Iron is an important mineral for the body's development. Iron deficiency leads to fatigue and low energy levels in people of all ages and inhibits cognitive and psychomotor development in children.

Children, women, pregnant women and the elderly are particularly vulnerable to iron deficiency.

Home iron is easily absorbed into the body, especially in iron deficiency, a dose of a few mg is sufficient to meet the body's needs.

Home iron is found almost exclusively in animal foods bound in flesh and blood. Deep-diving marine mammals have 20 to 30 times higher levels of domestic iron than those found in red meat such as beef and more than 100 times the level in poultry and pigs. Raw material from marine mammals is particularly suitable for the development of a dietary supplement to prevent iron deficiency.

Heme iron is surrounded by a molecule called heme that protects it from reacting with other foods in the gut. The complicated molecular structure makes artificial production impossible. Home iron must be obtained from nature.

The indigenous people of the Arctic have used this knowledge since time immemorial to ensure a diet rich in iron, protein, energy and essential trace elements.

Our unique production method preserves all the properties of the raw material and makes the product suitable for long-term storage.

INUA is an ideal supplement for people with a high energy consumption, whether you exercise or have an active job. The product ensures a high energy level throughout the day.

INUA is a dietary supplement - not a substitute for a variable diet. The recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of reach of children.


Selkjøtt rikt på hemjern (69%), fortykningsmiddel (cellulose, magnesiumsalter av fettsyrer), antiklumpemiddel (kalsiumfosfater, silisiumdioksid), overflatebehandlingsmiddel (hydroksypropylmetylcellulose).

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RI = Referanseinntak

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