Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia - 1/3 of the world's population is affected

Home iron is an important micronutrient

Iron is an important mineral for the development and well-being of people of all ages. Despite this, iron deficiency is the micro-nutritional condition that affects most people in the world. The WHO has set itself the goal of reducing iron deficiency in women of reproductive age by 50% by 2025.

The WHO estimates that two billion people are affected by iron deficiency, of which 1.2 billion have iron deficiency anemia. Children, adolescents, young women and pregnant women and the elderly are most vulnerable (WHO). Iron deficiency can lead to reduced cognitive and motor development in children, complications in pregnancy, fatigue, anemia and reduced immune system. The main cause is a vegetable diet, which is exacerbated by malnutrition and chronic diseases.

In some developing countries, the WB has estimated that GDP has decreased by 4-5% as a result of iron deficiency in the population (World Bank).

Inorganic iron - 80 years of trial and error!

Capsules and tablets containing inorganic iron (not heme iron) are simple and inexpensive to produce and are the dominant iron supplement on the market today. The bioavailability of inorganic iron is low, 5 to 10%, and is further reduced in contact with other foods that neutralize the iron before it is absorbed into the blood. Inorganic iron is reactive and often leads to bothersome and painful side effects. Compliance with treatment is low with little or no effect on iron status as a result. 80 years of using inorganic iron, in tablet / liquid form or as an additive in flour, bread, cheese etc has not given positive results. On the contrary, the problem has increased and today constitutes the largest micro-nutritional deficiency condition globally. (WHO 2018 - disruption and innovation is needed to change the development!)


Heme-iron - disruption and innovation!

Home iron can not be synthesized - it must be obtained from nature. Raw materials from some species of marine mammals can, with the right treatment and processing, be used in the production of one dietary supplement to correct iron deficiency.

Home iron has a high bioavailability, is not affected by other food intake, gives no side effects and has been shown in clinical tests to remedy iron deficiency very effectively.

Hemjern AS has developed a hemjern dietary supplement based on natural resources from deep-diving marine mammals. Meat from seals and whales hunted in the North Atlantic has been selected based on critical parameters. Various high-tech treatment methods have been tested. The final product has been shown to be effective in correcting iron deficiency by using remarkably low doses, down to 2 mg daily.

As small and simple as possible, always reflecting nature's own solution, is the philosophy behind INUA.


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Why sea mammals?


First clinical studies in humans - a scientific approach